Wednesday, April 18, 2007

my first point...

I'm actually doing it...I'm starting my own blog.

The next question is...
What do I write about?...should I have a theme?...a purpose?...or do I just go online and dump whatever words come to mind at the time?

Then there's the question of...Who am I to assume what I have to say is something people would want to read?

The business experts say that small businesses should have a blog, but I'm not sure that talking about my struggle to get my business up and running is something people would be interested in. I guess if you are looking for a photographer and you read my could give you an idea as to what working with me would be like.

Maybe it should be just a personal blog. I originally imagined it would be funny or witty and it might end up being that, but today it definitely is not. I have this grandiose idea that my words here (whether funny or serious), no matter how insignificant to most of the world, could make a difference to someone somewhere. I want to do my small part to make the world a better place.

So...I'm not any closer to knowing what the point of this blog will be, but I do believe that if you're stuck...the best thing to do is anything. Any action will at least get you moving. It may be in the wrong direction, but at least you're moving.

Keeping that in mind...I chose today to start this blog because of an interview I watched last night on Dateline NBC and again this morning on the Today show...

I believe that each and every one of us has a duty to better ourselves and in turn make the world better. I realize that "make the world a better place" is a phrase that gets overused and misused, but I truly believe that my actions, no matter how small, make a big impact on the world as a whole. I've been trying for the last few years to be conscious of my actions...trying to make more of them positive than negative. I believe that each action does make a difference...they either build or tear down. I want to make a difference..I want to be a agent for change.

Getting back to the interview that I mentioned earlier...I believe that one way to better yourself is to find other people who exhibit the characteristics that you want to possess and try to emulate those things in your own life. This is an interview with the father of one of the students that was killed at Virginia Tech. He made several statements that caught my attention, but it's his whole attitude and demeanor that I find so honorable. Stone Phillips tries to get him to say the university is at fault, but the father stays clear of it and does it so graciously.

Se for yourself why this man is on my list of people I want to emulate...

The thing that got me was when he said "I gained her energy." I love that. That one simple sentence says so much.
He was positive through the whole interview even though it would have been understandable if he had been angry and upset.

I think that's my point...I think all too often we use an excuse that society has taught us... that our moods, emotions, and words are outside our control. That if we're in a bad mood, that's just the way it is and everyone around us will just have to deal with it. I don't think we should have to. I believe that if you're "in a bad mood" that you can choose to change that mood. I'm not saying that it's always easy to do that, but I think it's a choice. I believe that things happen in our lives that effect our moods and attitudes, but we don't have to take it in and own it. We can choose to let it go and not react the way society says we should. It's a choice and it is within or control.

We can choose to spew hate...Don Imus, Jerry Falwell...or we can choose to not feed the growing intolerance that our society is choosing not to acknowledge.

Wow...I do think my soap box is getting bigger and bigger. :)
I will have to go ahead and state my disclaimer...
The statements I've made in this blog or will make in future blogs are things I believe or feel. In this particular blog I am only trying to say that these are things I'm striving to do, not that I'm perfect and already do these things all the time. Who knows, future blogs might be a load of might thing this one already is.